Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ANTIDOTE: The ?Natural Order? is NOT A ?System? ? And Must Be ...

The president of the World Bank is in the (print) news today, saying that in order to tackle global poverty he must find ?new ways to run his institution.?

And there is this other little snippet saying his outfit has just ?loaned? millions of US dollars to our The State to ?universalise education? ? which must mean ?macroeconomics,? for it was Keynes who established both the World Bank as well as the IMF as key components of a new ?international monetary SYSTEM.?

We don?t need no "monetary SYSTEM.
And we don?t need no ?education SYSTEM? either.

Think about it: Do YOU have any DEPOSITS in this World Bank ? or have YOU taken any LOANS from it? Of course, not!

They only make loans to Third World States ? and no one knows how they find depositors.

The World BANK is NOT a ?bank.?

Just as the International Monetary FUND is NOT a ?fund.?

So, how do WE tackle global poverty?

The president of the World Bank is a KOREAN (as is the UN Secretary-GENERAL).

You think THESE KOREANS can ?tackle global poverty? ? or CAPITALIST KOREANS like Samsung, Hyundai, and all the rest (Daewoo has been taken over by the ?nationalised? General Motors, so it doesn?t count) can do the job FAR BETTER?

These capitalist Koreans will INVEST CAPITAL, employ workers and managers, PRODUCE useful goods and services in a COMPETITIVE MARKET, establish distributional chains ? and then proceed to do what the UN, World Bank, and IMF combined can never ever do, and that is: SATISFY THE MASSES WITH CONSUMER GOODS, which will ADD to their possessions and PROPERTIES, their WEALTH and even their HAPPINESS.

If Korean capitalists are GOOD FOR THE POOR, why not bring in capitalists from ALL CORNERS OF THE GLOBE?

?Go Home World Bank!? ? that was the title of a LEAD EDITORIAL I once wrote for the Economic Times as a response to their World Development Report of that year, well over a decade ago.

But it sure does feel good to say it again ? and MUCH BETTER this time around.

Like TEN YEARS AFTER ? and Mr. Alvin Lee.

And it's good to see the good man is "still on the road to freedom."


Think about it: Which SYSTEM imposed upon society WORKS? The ?criminal justice SYSTEM?? The ?public distribution SYSTEM??

What about THE SYSTEM itself ? our THE STATE?

The other day I wrote about all their ?policies? ? tourism policy, labour policy, immigration policy, forest policy, environmental policy, trade policy, industrial policy, foreign policy, health policy et. al. ? that these are all nothing but BUREAUCRACIES which INTERFERE in our affairs empowered by DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATION, and thereby make us POORER.

Legislation is NOT ?LAW.? Legislation has not come from the past; it has not ?evolved? over millennia; and it is ?new getting newer? with every passing ?majority.? The very IDEA that ?elected representatives? are also ?lawmakers? is ABSURD ? and lies at the ROOT OF TYRANNY.


It is this ?confusion over words? that equates legislation with LAW that has extended bureaucracies everywhere.

So do read Ludwig ?KING? Mises? Bureaucracy ? which says that there are but two ways by which we can conduct our affairs: the first by ?profit management?; and the other, this ?bureaucratic management.?

The United Nations, the World Bank and the IMF, the ?education system,? the ?criminal justice system,? the ?public distribution system,? and all these POLICY interferences, often called REGULATORY AUTHORITIES ? these are all nothing but BUREAUCRATIC MANAGEMENT that is INTERFERING with the only thing we need in order to tackle global poverty, which is good ol? PROFIT MANAGEMENT.


?He who makes profits pleases Allah,? said his Prophet.

While to the EVIL SOCIALIST Jawaharlal Nehru, ?profit is a dirty word.?


And all of it completely ?false philanthropy? ? done in the ?interests of the poor.?

It is only for the poor that enterprise must be fettered, markets interfered with, and foreign trade obstructed.

It is for the poor that these bureaucrats must establish their ?education SYSTEM.?

Knowledge MUST be FREE ? to EVOLVE into presently unknown and even unknowable forms.

All current knowledge comes from the past? - but what about THE FUTURE? No one knows today what NEW KNOWLEDGE might emerge in the future to challenge ? or even DISPLACE ? old belief systems.

No Copernican could imagine Galileo, nor could Galileo imagine a Kepler - so forget about Newton, who could also never have imagined the emergence of an Einstein.

Thus, the FREEDOM OF OPEN ARGUMENTATION among ?private scholars? is the only way forward, for the ?progress of knowledge? ? and most certainly not any fixed ?system.? That too, one based on the impossible premise that State Authority is Infallibile.

The same applies to anything and everything within the complex of ?human society.?

Language has evolved; it comes from the past, of course; but new words are forever ?gaining currency? and emerge through the processes of natural EVOLUTION, without any authority in control, nor any great mind ?inventing? them: for example, ?hardware? once meant hammer and nails, and ?software? did not exist.

As the term ?gaining currency? I applied for the evolution of words suggests, MONEY has also EVOLVED. There is Carl Menger?s classic essay, of course. But think for yourself about cowrie shells, salt (the word ?salary?), animal hides (the words ?pecuniary? and ?buck?) and then do REFLECT on the FACT that the word ?dollar? EVOLVED from the name of a pure gold Hapsburg COIN called ?Reichsthaler? that was very popular ? in the precise sense that it ?gained currency? ? in Olde America, where MONEY WAS FREE, and everyone could choose his own ?medium of exchange.?

From ?thaler? to ?dollar.?

They call it a ?corruption of words? ? but economists like me call it the ?corruption of money.?

And all this corruption has to do with SYSTEMS ? the monetary system, and its counterpart, the education system.

Think of money and banking without any system ? and only under LAW that has come from the past, slowly EVOLVING over millennia; in particular, the LAW of PROPERTY; and its counterpart, that of CONTRACT.

Money is whatever YOU CHOOSE as your ?medium of exchange? ? and, since you must choose something that others will freely accept, a ?common medium of exchange? will gain currency: like coins of gold, silver and copper, of standard weight and purity. These will be HARD PROPERTY.

If you DEPOSIT bags of such coins with a private banker of YOUR CHOICE, then two kinds of CONTRACTS are possible: the ?demand deposit? and the ?term deposit.? If you make a ?demand deposit? the banker will then have to keep your money permanently available for your withdrawal ? and the contract will therefore differ from that of a ?term deposit,? which is a LOAN to the banker for a fixed period at a rate of interest mutually agreed upon, and which he can utilise for his own profit-making, by extending such funds to those who borrow from him, for whom there will be other contacts.

Thus, PAPER NOTES issued by any private person will be equivalent to IOUs - to be redeemed in acceptable banknotes; and, if these are not acceptable, then in coin.

Thus, paper notes issued by private bankers will be CONTRACTS to redeem the same in HARD COIN to any bearer, on demand.

Only LAW ? and NO SYSTEM.

FREEDOM ? but NOT CHAOS, as of now, only because of SYSTEMS!

TORTS can happily replace the unworkable criminal justice system ? as I have explained in this old column.

Torts are the OLDEST LAW of the Anglo-Saxons ? and both these TRIBES migrated to England from Germany.

Under these old laws ALL will be PROTECTED as also LIBERATED to engage in consensual trades, which means JUSTICE will be ex ante, and there will be ZERO LEGAL DISPUTES.


There will be private accumulation of capital ? and civilisation will gallop along.

Soon diverse nations and peoples will participate in this universally beneficial natural order ? and there will be WORLD PEACE as well as the ?UNIVERSAL OPULENCE? Adam Smith wrote about way back when, and which would surely have occurred had not all these false doctrines like socialism, nationalism, and Keynesianism CORRUPTED MINDS.

To conclude, whereas Economics is now an EXACT SCIENCE ? and the ?youngest of all sciences,? as Mises says, while adding that ?to read Adam Smith today to learn Economics is like reading Euclid in order to learn Geometry? ? Public Administration, like its counterpart, Business Administration, are NOT exact sciences.

So, just as different companies, firms and private businessmen ?manage? in different and diverse ways, the same applies to SYSTEMS of administering common affairs, like establishing an HONEST CIVIC CORPORATION, or even an ?administration of justice.? This is why both subjects are studied as HISTORY ? ?case studies,? which may or may not include ?statistics,? which are also HISTORICAL case studies.

For example, here are two different ?doctrines? as applied to recruitment: Some may ?pay recruits very high starting salaries in order to attract the best available talent,? while others might prefer to pay only enough to those who are ?committed to the cause? ? as in the case of many voluntary, charitable, and non-profit organizations, such as the Mises Institute.

Regarding the ?administration of justice?:

One historian has written of the ?dull and dreary sessions of the Aldermanic Bench? in the Olde City of London ? which means there were very few legal disputes.

A history of the Princely States says one of these native rulers preferred to hire the services of a retired judge from British India who visited once a month to settle all cases ? and if he kept any pending beyond a month, his salary was cut!

In California, I was told by a Professor of Law from this ?sunshine state,? they have ?Rent-a-Judge? private companies offering dispute settlement services on the good ol? MARKET.

These entrepreneurs succeed because REPUTATION FOR BEING JUST matters where no MONOPOLY exists, and where NO FORCE can be used.

There are so many histories of republics, ancient as well as modern ? and their exact ?practices.?

In the USSA, for example, they have ?strong mayor ? weak council? in some places ? and the other way around in others.

Thus, NO EXACT SYSTEM can even be conceived of in the complex of human society.

Everything must be left FREE ? to evolve, under the old laws of the past, which will themselves evolve ever so slowly, based on ?precedent.?

And since Political Science and Public Administration are both HISTORY ? there are so many examples and case studies for the world at large to choose from, and to apply to local conditions, where only local knowledge can work.

LAW HAS EVOLVED. And Law is NOT legislation.

Check HISTORY yourself ? and there is not a single ?legal code,? from Hammurabi?s to Justinian?s to Napoleon?s, that has not been a COMPILATION of the laws of the past as well as judicial decisions, precedents, and juristic opinions on them.

The fact that the Indian Penal CODE (1863) did not exist during the two centuries of Company Raj that preceded it does not mean, ?Law did not exist.?

Theory and History ? that is all we have to understand ?human action.?

Both indicate that the NATURAL ORDER is the ONLY WAY for all of humanity.

Happy this blog is GLOBAL ? and that I now have thousands of readers in BULGARIA, too! I hope they will avoid going the way of the EUSSR.

?Meet the New Boss, same as the Old Boss.? It is with this DISMAL LINE that the great song ?We don?t get fooled again? ends.

Not MY WAY of singing it, though.

My song concludes thus:


Look at ANY REVOLUTION of the past ? and you will find that it has FAILED: The American, the French ? with 5 republics so far, Cuba, and even the so-called ?Glorious Revolution? of the English in 1688, which brought monarchy back after Cromwell?s death and simultaneously made for ?parliamentary sovereignty.?

The Bank of England was established in 1690! The new Protestant monarch that was ?imported? then had the funds to go to WAR ? for RELIGION, in IRELAND.

From Cromwell becoming ?Lord Protector of the Commonwealth? to this so-called ?Glorious Revolution? ? this is the exact period between Hobbes? Leviathan and Locke?s Treatises on Civil Government, and how very different the two are!

As for India?s ?freedom struggle? ? it was just a ?vain delusion,? as I discussed the other day with reference to Gandhi?s ?organised violence.? We are RANKED ?mostly UNFREE? in the World Economic Freedom Index, way down at the bottom of the league. I also discussed why the ?economic democracy? of The Market is a billion times better than the ?political democracy? of the Polling Booth.

Look around today:

The USSR has collapsed ? but freedom has not dawned anywhere in that vast territory.

What is FREEDOM?

Well, I just told you, stupid:


We Don?t Get Fooled Again.

Who?s Next?


EQUALITY ? under Law.

And in CAPITALIST REPUBLICS, each a true res publica.



Nothing is equal in Nature.?

Writers, journalists, singers, dancers, actors, performers, sportspersons ? NONE!

Let humanity never make this huge error ever again.

Source: http://www.theantidoteblog.com/2012/10/the-natural-order-is-not-system-and.html

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